Why You Should Immerse the Vibrator When Compacting Poured Concrete

One area where industrial vibrating equipment is used is during the compaction of concrete at a construction site. Contractors can choose to use the vibrator on the surface of the concrete or inside the concrete mix depending on their preferred approach to getting the job done. This article discusses some reasons why you should immerse an industrial vibrator inside the poured concrete you are compacting.

Maximum Use of Vibratory Energy

The purpose of vibrating a concrete mixture is to agitate it so that all air bubbles within it are expelled to the surface of the concrete. This allows the concrete to settle inside the form into which it has been poured. When the vibrator is used on the surface of the concrete, some of the vibratory energy is lost to the atmosphere in the form of sound energy. This reduces the efficiency of the machine and more time and energy has to be used to finish the job. When the machine is inserted inside the concrete, all the vibratory energy will be used to agitate the concrete so that air bubbles are expelled. That is why you should always insert the vibrator inside the concrete mix.

The Vibrator Does Not Overheat

When a vibrator is inserted inside the concrete that has just been poured, it remains cool throughout the task of agitating the concrete mix. This is because the water and cool concrete mix absorb any heat energy generated by the vibrations so the industrial vibrating equipment remains cool. This is in contrast to external (surface) application of the vibrator; the vibrator heats up as it works and this increases the rate at which it becomes worn out. It is advisable that you immerse the vibrator so that it does not wear out quickly.

Concrete Mix Segregation is Avoided

When a vibrator is externally applied, the surface of the concrete mix is subjected to a lot of turbulence from the machine. This turbulence causes the concrete mix to segregate. It will no longer be a homogeneous mixture and that compromises its integrity. You can avoid this problem by immersing the vibrator inside the poured concrete so that the mixture does not segregate due to turbulence.

It is important that you first assess the likely effects of the method you prefer when using industrial vibrating equipment. Use the information above to get a longer useful life from your vibrating equipment without affecting the quality of work at your worksite.
